
Product based on state-of-the-art polyether, which forms a high performance elastic and waterproof membrane. The product has been designed to solve localised waterproofing emergencies, as well as the complete waterproofing of roofs, terraces, gutters, balconies, etc. It is resistant to standing water.
Its excellent elastic properties, even at low temperatures, allows good adhesion to most surfaces, even when wet. The impermeable qualities of the cured membrane, as well as its excellent UV resistance, make it an ideal product for the maintenance and waterproofing of roofs, terraces, gutters, balconies, etc.

Technical Characteristics


  • Permanent elasticity
  • No surface stickiness when curing
  • Adhesion to wet substrates
  • Very good adhesion, without need of primer, on concrete and mortar, brick, steel,
    tile, glass, galvanized steel, aluminium.
  • Adhesion even applied under water on non-porous surfaces
  • Fills cracks thanks to the pasty consistency of the product.


TECMA IMPERAL H2O, is recommended in the repair and waterproofing of cracks in roofs and walls, leaking areas in roofs and gutters, complete waterproofing of roof decks, gutters and terraces.

Surface Preparation:

The surfaces must be firm and clean of grease, oil, sand, dust, loose material or any other contaminant. The surface may be wet but must be perfectly clean. If repairing old waterproofing products, the surface should be washed to remove any remaining dirt, after which the surface should be allowed to dry.

How to Use:

Once the surface is prepared, apply two even coats of the product with a minimum consumption of 0.7kg/Msq per coat. The second coat should not be applied until the first coat is cured, at least 6 hours at 23ºC. When waterproofing an area used for pedestrian traffic, apply a first coat of 0.9kg/Msq, placing a mesh or reinforcing fleece and then apply another coat at the same rate as the first.

Special Recommendations:

  • It is very important to conform to coverage rates indicated to produce a properly waterproof membrane.
  • The containers must be hermetically sealed so that the product does not start to harden at the top.
  • Do not apply if traces of dirt, grease or oil are present.
  • Cleaning: If uncured it may be removed using TECMASOL D. If the product has hardened, cleaning must be done using suitable tools.

Presentation and Storage:

The product is available in 1 and 5 kg containers. Store in a dry place at temperatures between 5 and 35ºC, in unopened containers, hermetically sealed. The product life, if stored correctly as above, is at least 18 months.

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